
Daisy Family – Compositae This fast growing, herbaceous annual grows to a height of 1 to 3 feet, in fields (often corn fields) meadows, gardens and on the sides of roads. They attract butterflies and are considered by some to be a weed or wildflower. Their chemical composition includes cargbohydrates, protids, miners (including calcium, iron and magnesium and Phenoic Compounds. Geography: Indigenous to the Middle East and Europe and now cultivated worldwide.

Historical Uses

Cornflower use dates back to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. Due to its refreshing and decongesting effect, it is popular in eye care products, including lotions and makeup removers, and in products for irritated and sensitive skin. It is commonly found in products for eye inflammation. Used for its Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic and Astringent properties.

Stories & Legends

The Egyptians believed it had the power to resurrect the dead – wreaths of cornflowers were found near to the tomb of Tutankhamun. Since the 16th Century 'Theory of Signatures' stated that the appearance of a plant provides insight into the benefits of that plant, cornflowers (blue flowers) were used in the care of blue eyes. For centuries cornflowers were used to make ‘break spectacles water’ which Household Books in the 17th Century recommended for "alleviating the need to wear glasses" (Hatfield’s Herbal, 2007). In western folklore, lovesick men wore a Cornflower to find out if there love was reciprocated. If the flower faded fast, it symbolized unrequited love.